Dedicated to the Cuyahoga Falls City Schools and our future generations, the CFSFAA  Trustees work towards helping students grow by providing opportunities to advance their education. If you have an interest in getting involved, click Contact Us to tell us how you would like to be involved.



Jerilynn Ferguson,  President

Kathy Taylor Moffet, Vice President

Karen Schofield, Secretary  

Mark Noonan, Treasurer

Elisabeth McNicholas, Immediate Past President

Dr. Andrea Celico

Cuyahoga Falls City Schools Superintendent 

Jason Smith, CFHS Administrative Principal

Anthony Gomez, Board of Education Representative 

Nikki Alden

Dan Argenas

Judith L. Fowler

Cathie Marshall Richards 

Chris Mohler Schroeder 

Linda Skidmore Mapus

Barbara Tresh, Communications Leader

NOTE:  Depending on the device you are using, you may continue to scroll down or look to the right to see our Trustee Bios

Contact Us  if you have a question or comment